
The 2009 Jim Sinclair Exceptional Service Award Winner

2009 Award Honors AuGres & Wyoming Mayors

LaVern Dittenber, Mayor, AuGres
LaVern Dittenber has served as the mayor of AuGres since 1989. He has 42 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and director of state and federal programs. LaVern’s active involvement with the League includes attaining Level 3 from the Elected Officials Academy (EOA) and service on the EOA board as president and on the Michigan Association of Mayors board. He currently serves on the League Board of Trustees in addition to service on numerous committees within his community. LaVern believes that in order to be more effective leaders, officials should participate in meetings and classes to educate themselves in a manner that will enhance their ability to accomplish their goals.

Carol S. Sheets, Mayor, Wyoming
Carol S. Sheets has served as mayor for the city of Wyoming for the past four years and as an elected official for the city for 16 years. It has been her goal to be educated concerning the role of an elected official and to help educate others. Carol has been involved with the League in many capacities. She has served as Region 3 secretary, vice chair, and chair; and on the Centennial Youth Commission. Carol served on the organizational committee for the Elected Officials Academy (EOA), is a graduate of EOA and has served as an EOA board member and president. She is a member of Michigan Women in Municipal Government for which she served as secretary, vice chair and chair, and she has been a board member of the League Board of Trustees. Carol is currently a member of the Michigan Association of Mayors board.

Created in memory of Roger City Councilmember Jim Sinclair, the peer-nominated award celebrates a person who tirelessly promotes local government and continued training for elected officials.

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