Resources & Research


As one of the oldest League benefits, the Information Service provides member officials with answers to questions on a vast array of municipal topics.  Member officials may request information and/or material on any municipal issue.

Sample Documents

A list of sample documents can be accessed here. Examples of items in this collection include:

  • Sample ordinances
  • Policies
  • Programs
  • Articles
  • Referrals
  • Charter provisions
  • Regulations


The League produces a wide variety of periodicals, books and other publications on topics of specific interest to municipal officials and staff.  Many are offered free of charge as a membership benefit, while others are available for a nominal fee.

A list of League publications can be accessed here.



Contact: Inquiry Services
Phone: 734.662.3246 or E-mail: [email protected]

©2022 Michigan Municipal League LLC. All rights reserved