Always Remember 9-11
The National League of Cities and state municipal leagues have established a special fund to provide assistance to the families of public employees killed or injured by the September 11 terrorist attacks. Individual contributions of any amount are welcome. Contributions may be sent to:
Always Remember 9-11 Fund, National League of Cities Institute, Lockbox #4655, PO Box 85080, Richmond VA 23285-4655.
Always Remember
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American Red Cross
Find your local Red Cross to donate blood, click here.
Donate money to help the victims, click here.
First Gov
For a comprehensive list of government resources including travel information, how to find people, benefits and assistance click here.
For funds that need donations to support the relief efort, click here.
For links to organizations that need donations to support the relief effort, click here
The United States Flag Page
For flag code, folding techniques, etc., click here.
United Way
To donate to the September 11th Fund, click here.