
Category Archives: Legislative Link Articles

September 20, 2012

Blight elimination funds available

Earlier this year, Michigan received $97.2 million as part of a nationwide lawsuit regarding mortgage foreclosure practices.  This spring, after negotations between the Legislature and Michigan Attorney General Schuette, legislation was enacted (Public Act 296 of 2012) allocating use of…
September 19, 2012

Posting mandates considered in Senate Committee

This morning the Senate Reforms, Restructuring and Reinventing held a hearing on House Bills 5196 and 5274, bills that create new posting requirements for local units of government. House Bill 5196 requires pubilc entities to post information regarding job classifcations…
September 17, 2012

Proposal 5 opposition growing

A new Detroit Free Press/WXYZ TV-7 poll finds opposition to Proposal 5 growing across the state, and respected Michigan business columnist Rick Haglund uncovers how and why billionaire Detroit bridge owner Matty Moroun's is involved in the 2/3 tax vote proposal. Proposal 5…
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