Programs & Services

Liability & Property Pool Board of Directors

A nine-member Board of Directors composed of elected and appointed municipal officials governs the Pool. Administration is provided by the MML’s Risk Management Services Division.

Learn more about serving as a Pool Board Director and how to apply.

clarkChair: Robert E. Clark
Mayor, City of Monroe

Robert has more than eight years’ experience as a municipal official, serving as the mayor in the City of Monroe since 2010.  He is a member of the Michigan Association of Mayors. Robert retired as Major, Michigan State Police after thirty years of service.  He is active in several local civic organizations, including the River Raisin National Battlefield Park Foundation and Monroe County Business Development Corporation. He also serves as First Vice-Chair for the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG).

bosanicVice Chair: George Bosanic
City Manager, City of Greenville

George has nearly 35 years of experience as a municipal official with over 30 years as the City Manager of the City of Greenville. George has served in leadership roles on numerous local boards and commissions over the years and is a past board member of the MML Workers’ Compensation Fund Board. He is a member of the Michigan Local Government Management Association and
International City Management Association.

Thad Beard headshot.Thad Beard
City Manager, City of Rockford

Thad has over 23 years’ experience in municipal government and has been the city manager of Rockford since 2017. He previously served as the City of Otsego’s manager for 17 years and as the City of Wayland’s assistant manager for three years before that. He is a member of the Michigan Municipal Executives and former member of its Board of Directors. Thad grew up in Kalamazoo, received an undergraduate degree from Great Lakes Christian College and a master’s degree from Western Michigan University.

Michelle LaVoy
Clerk-Treasurer, City of Monroe

Michelle LaVoy has served as Monroe’s Clerk-Treasurer for eleven years and is passionate about strong local government and elections. She is a member of the Michigan Municipal Treasurers Association and Michigan Women in Municipal Government. She previously sat on the MML Energy and Technology Committee and the Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks Legislative Committee. Michelle has a Bachelors degree from Miami University, Ohio, a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Dayton, and completed the inaugural MML Women’s Elected Leadership Intensive.
Michelle serves a number of community organizations in leadership roles and as a volunteer, including United Way, YMCA, 4H, and Ducks Unlimited. She and her husband Bill have two daughters.

Josh Meringa
Councilmember, Grandville

Josh has served the City of Grandville as Councilmember for more than 17 years. He is passionate about public service and driven to have a positive impact in his community. He serves on the Grandville Parks & Recreation Board and the Business Relations Committee. He has served on many Michigan Municipal League legislative committees and helped Grandville’s Clean Water Plant win the League’s Community Excellence Award in 2012. Josh has served on the League’s Elected Officials Academy Board, including five years as president, and is an EOA Level 4 graduate. He has been recognized twice as a ’40 Under Forty’ Business Leader by the Grand Rapids Business Journal. A registered nurse, Josh works in nursing professional development for Corewell Health West Michigan. He serves on the Board of Directors for the American Nurses Association Michigan and served two terms on the Michigan Board of Nursing, including seven years as chair. A native of West Michigan, Josh earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Calvin College (now University) and master’s degrees from Grand Valley State University in Public Health and Business Administration.

osbornSue Osborn
Mayor, City of Fenton

Sue has over thirty-eight years of experience as a municipal official, serving as mayor of the City of Fenton for the last twenty-five. She was appointed to Fenton’s city council in 1985 and has been a continuous member since that time. Previously, she was a member of the Planning Commission from 1978-1985. Sue is a member of the Michigan Association of Mayors, a member of the National League of Cities, and serves as Vice-Chair of the FAIR (Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Affairs) for the National League of Cities. She is also active in several local and regional civic organizations.

postDavid Post
Village Manager, Village of Hillman

Dave has more than twenty-eight years’ experience as a municipal official, serving as the manager in the Village of Hillman. Dave is a past member of the Michigan Municipal League Board of Trustees and several MML committees. He is currently a member of the Northeast Michigan Council of Governments board and is active in several local and regional civic organizations, including the Communities First Fund (chair), the Hillman Community Radio board and the Wheels Car Club.

stumboBrenda Stumbo
Township Supervisor, Charter Township of Ypsilanti

Brenda has been an elected public servant for more than 34 years and has been Ypsilanti Township’s Supervisor since 2008. She previously served as the township’s Clerk from 1992-98 and on its Board of Trustees from 1988-92.

Brenda has also served on the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority Board, Ann Arbor Spark, Destination Ann Arbor, Local Development Finance Authority Committee, and the Washtenaw Urban Executive Committee. Brenda also volunteers for many community events and attends Neighborhood Watch meetings regularly.

Brenda has been a Ypsilanti Township resident since the age of five. She completed her bachelor’s degree at Central Michigan University, majoring in Parks and Recreation.

swallowDan Swallow
City Manager, City of Tecumseh

Dan has more than 18 years’ experience as a municipal official and has been the City Manager of Tecumseh since 2015. Previously, his government career included tenures with the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments, Van Buren Township, and as the Economic & Community Development Director for the City of Monroe. He has credentials from the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and actively participates in the Michigan Association of Planning and Michigan Municipal Executives. Dan grew up in the small northeastern Michigan community of Alpena. He and his wife Michelle have two children, one in college and the other in high school.

Dan Gilmartin (Ex Officio)
Executive Director & CEO
Michigan Municipal League

Dan Gilmartin is the executive director and CEO of the Michigan Municipal League.  Through his work with communities, Dan is recognized as a national leader in the fields of urban revitalization, placemaking, local government reform, and transportation policy.

Under Dan’s leadership, the League powers innovative programs and practices that improve communities in Michigan and beyond. He is a frequent national and international speaker. In recent years, he has given presentations internationally including in China, Sweden, Australia, and Denmark, and across the nation—from Los Angeles to D.C. to Vermont. In 2018, Dan gave highly publicized testimony before a U.S. Congress Senate Committee on behalf of local governments nationwide regarding state and local transportation infrastructure needs.

Dan is frequently quoted in state and national publications on community-related topics.  He has also authored numerous opinion columns that have appeared in statewide publications, including the Detroit NewsCrain’s Detroit, and Bridge Magazine.

In 2018, Dan added podcast host to his resume on the Economics of Place podcast, part of the League’s We Love Where You Live podcast series. He is a frequent blogger and a contributing author to the books The Economics of Place: The Value of Building Communities Around People and the follow-up Economics of Place: The Art of Building Great Communities.

He is actively engaged in the National League of Cities and previously served on the NLC’s board of directors.  In 2018, he was selected to the NLC’s National Task Force on Housing and in 2015 was a member of NLC’s President Election Task Force.

Prior to his current position, Dan served for four years as the lead advocate for Michigan’s communities in Lansing and Washington, D.C., where he concentrated on a number of key issues including transportation, land use, and urban redevelopment.

Dan is a Michigan kid, a Detroit native (and booster), and currently resides in the historic downtown of Northville, Michigan with his wife, Lori, and two young sons.

Michael Forster
Pool Administrator, Michigan Municipal League

Mike oversees all administrative, financial and regulatory aspects of the League’s casualty and worker’s compensation insurance programs. He is responsible for implementing the policies of the insurance program governing boards and for reporting operating results to the Pool and Fund boards and members. Mike has been with the League since 1990. Previous to his appointment as Director in 2004, he held the positions of Claim Manager and Assistant Director of Risk Management. Mike also spent eight years with a national insurance carrier as a multi-line claims supervisor. A 1981 graduate of the University of Michigan – Dearborn, Mike is currently pursuing the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) designation.

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