
Category Archives: Legislative Link Articles

September 17, 2012

Sewer Back Up Legislation taken up in Senate Committee

On Wednesday September 12, the Senate Local Government and Elections committee took testimony on SB 1220. This bill would amend the governmental immunity law to revise procedures for the resolution of claims regarding sewage disposal system overflows or backups. In…
September 12, 2012

Proposal 5 would halt Michigan’s economic recovery

Most are now aware that there will be six proposals on the November ballot, one more controversial than the other.  But none is probably quite as dangerous to Michigan's economic recovery than Proposal 5. This particular proposal would set in…
September 5, 2012

Supreme Court rules proposals on November ballot

The Michigan Supreme Court has ordered 3 of the 4 outstanding ballot proposals on the November election. This includes the 2/3 legislative vote for tax changes, collective bargaining rights and a public vote for new international bridges.The only remaining proposal…
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