State of Your League 2010 Report
It was May 7, 2007, when nearly 20 League staff members crowded around a large table, reviewing the scattered papers of potential logos and slogans that would represent us for years to come. “Defenders of Cities.” “Nah, feels like we should wear a cape and carry a shield,” joked one director; “Your Community. Our Help.” “Not bad, but what does it mean?” wondered another staffer; “Making Municipalities Matter,” we liked all the M’s, but try saying that 10 times fast.
One option, however, jumped out at us—“Better Communities, Better Michigan.” It really said it all—investing in our communities will create a more vibrant state. It was simple, decisive, and true.
We didn’t realize it at the time, but picking our new slogan and branding approach was one of the first critical steps we would take in the years ahead. It is a constant reminder of what we are all about and have been since 1899. It gives us direction, guidance, focus, and one clear voice.
This “State of Your League” report provides a snapshot of who we are and how we work for you.
Click here for a PDF of the report.
Click here for the html version.