Who Makes Up the League?
523 Cities, Villages, & Townships; 272 Cities, 243 Villages, 5 Urban Townships, 31 Affiliate Organizations, 92 Business Alliance Program Participants, 4,130 Total Elected Officials, 2,848 Councilmembers/Commissioners, 265 Mayors, 241 Presidents, 528 Clerks, 10,000+ Non-Elected Officials, 322 Managers, 62 Economic Development Directors, 84 Community Development Directors, 174 Finance Directors, 178 Zoning Administrators, 53 Public Safety Directors, 374 Fire Chiefs, 330 Police Chiefs
1 | The Center for 21st Century Communities (21c3)
Creating communities for the next 50 years, not the past 50 years, is what it is all about. The Center focuses on eight identified assets that contribute to a vibrant 21st century community. Research continues to show that “place-making” matters more than ever, as an increasingly mobile workforce seeks out neighborhoods before finding jobs and opening up businesses. The purpose of the Center (generously underwritten by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority) is to help local officials identify, develop, and implement strategies that will grow and strengthen Michigan’s communities in the coming decades. This is done through educational programming, publications, public policy forums, technical assistance, and foundational online resources.