Programs & Services

Mailing Lists

Order Form (PDF)

Announce your participation in the next MML trade show or event with a customized mailing to Michigan’s city and village officials! MML updates our database daily as officials and employees in cities and villages change. There is an approximate 30 percent annual turnover in elected officials. Mailing lists can be customized to meet your needs.

The list can be sorted by any combination of the following:

  • Municipal job title or function
  • Geographic region of the state (MML region, zip code or county)
  • Form of government (general law village, home rule village, home rule city)
  • # of employees
  • Municipal population (73 percent of our cities and villages have fewer than 2,500 residents)


Digital File:
Includes set-up fee and the first 500 labels.  Basic file includes title (Mr./Ms./Dr.), first name, last name, suffix (Jr./Ph.D/ III), municipal job function, municipality, mailing address, city, state, and zip code. File is sent via email.

Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Labels:
Includes set-up fee and the first 500 labels.  Label includes title (Mr./Ms./Dr.), first name, last name, suffix (Jr./Ph.D/ III), municipal job function, municipality, mailing address, city, state, and zip code.

Conditions of Lease

  1. The Michigan Municipal League retains all rights of ownership with respect to the mailing lists and labels, subject to this agreement.
  2. All lists are furnished on a lease basis for one mailing only and may not be copied, reused or used by anyone other than you. The rights conferred under this agreement may not be assigned to any third party. Duplicate sets may be leased for an additional charge if requested and paid at the time of the original order.
  3. The Michigan Municipal League reserves the right to refuse to lease mailing lists that would be used to mail materials the League considers unsuitable or for any reason deemed not in the best interests of the Michigan Municipal League or its member municipalities.
  4. Non-governmental businesses wishing to lease a MML mailing list must be enrolled in the Michigan Municipal League’s Business Alliance Program. Contact [email protected] for information.
  5. A copy of the material to be mailed (or proposed copy if the material is not yet printed) MUST be included with each order request.
  6. If the mailing is for a meeting or conference, the dates and location of the event and the tentative program must be included along with an indication of the city and village officials you wish to attract.
  7. Orders must be prepaid by check or credit card.


If your organization is a non-governmental business, it must be enrolled in The Alliance Program to be eligible to receive a mailing list. To inquire if your firm is eligible, please contact [email protected].

©2022 Michigan Municipal League LLC. All rights reserved