2024 Lame Duck Recap
In one of the strangest lame ducks in recent memory, and maybe ever, the Senate and House appear to be done for the year. The last few weeks were filled with ups and downs, and [...]
Act Immediately! Revenue Sharing Trust Fund in Danger of Not Passing the Senate
With only two days left for the Senate to vote, legislation to establish the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, House Bills 4274 and 4275, have not been placed on the Senate agenda. If we want this [...]
The Michigan Municipal League’s Official Position on Senate Bill 1167: Strongly Opposed
The Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union (MPFFU) has put out false and misleading statements about the League’s position on Senate Bill 1167. MPFFU states that the accepted amendments in Senate Bill 1167 address concerns raised [...]
League Lame Duck Update: Saturday, December 14
Shortly before midnight on Friday, December 13, the House adjourned until Wednesday, December 18. After four days of marathon sessions, several issues the League was tracking saw movement, while others may be done for the [...]
League Lame Duck Update: House Meets Today for Rare Friday Session
Thursday’s House and Senate session lasted late into the night and early morning as dozens of bills were swapped between the chambers. In the most disappointing outcome of the evening, the Senate passed minimum staffing [...]
League Lame Duck Update: December 12, 2024
UPDATE 12/12: Yesterday the House and Senate both worked late into the evening. We were able to successfully see the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation legislation, House Bill 5695, pass the House by a vote of [...]
League Lame Duck Update: December 11, 2024
There are many issues the League is tracking as the legislative session comes to a close. Several of the most important issues we are tracking are listed below. Each issue has links to the bills, [...]
SB 1167: Minimum Staffing Legislation to Begin Floor Action in Senate
The Senate is planning to begin floor action tomorrow on the minimum staffing legislation opposed by the League and its members. Senate Bill 1167 is the same as the House minimum staffing bill, HB 4688. [...]
Live with the League: Join Us Monday for Important Lame Duck Updates
The first week of lame duck saw a frenzy of legislative activity in both the House and the Senate with several League interests being discussed. There are two weeks of session remaining before the end [...]
Zoning Preemption Bills Masked as Housing Solutions See Quick Action
Four bills impacting local government were introduced in the House right before the legislature took a two-week break after the elections. As legislative activities resumed this week, the bills quickly bypassed the House Subcommittee on [...]
Act Now! Support the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund
We are reaching out to ask for your help supporting a critical and timely initiative. In partnership, the Michigan Association of Counties, Michigan Municipal League, Michigan Townships Association, and the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments [...]
Update: Minimum Staffing Legislation Pulled from House Agenda
We wanted to let you know that House Bill 4688—the minimum staffing mandate—was pulled from the House agenda today where it was scheduled for a final vote. This is due to your effort in directly [...]
Minimum Staffing Legislation Scheduled for House Passage: Act Now!
We are reaching out to urge all members to take immediate action by contacting your state representative and strongly encourage them to oppose House Bill 4688, which was just scheduled for a final vote tomorrow, [...]
BRIC and Flood Mitigation Assistance Seeking Project Proposals for Fiscal Year 2024
The following information was provided to MML by the Michigan State Police Emergency Management & Homeland Security Division. The newly revised deadline for submission of NOI's is now November 24,2024. In anticipation of the Federal [...]