With only two days left for the Senate to vote, legislation to establish the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, House Bills 4274 and 4275, have not been placed on the Senate agenda. If we want this legislation to pass, we must act immediately and make our voices heard. Now is the time to call your Senator directly and ask them to request that this legislation be placed before the Senate for a vote.
Our chances to secure and protect revenue sharing dollars will die in the Senate despite passing the House 106-4 if we do not act now.
For nearly two years, we have worked in a bi-partisan manner creating a system that protects and provides a predictable revenue source for local units of government. We believe the overwhelming support for this legislation speaks volumes.
On December 3, we held a press conference with the bill sponsors, Representatives O’Neal and Tisdel, and delivered over 500 letters from local officials showing their support for the passing of these bills. Earlier this week, we worked with those sponsors once again and sent a letter to every senator showcasing our support and asking that this legislation be voted on. Click on the following link and please share the letter with your Senator when you reach out. Revenue Sharing Trust Fund Letter in Support – Final
We are almost out of time and can’t afford to let this legislation sit idle. Our shared priorities of high-quality infrastructure, robust economic development, attainable housing, and thriving communities can be a reality if we work together to make Michigan a better state to live, work, and invest. It begins with passing HBs 4274 and 4275.
Please make your voice heard and request that this legislation be brought before the Senate for a vote. Now is the time for us to stand up for our communities.
A detailed description of the policy can be found here. Revenue Sharing Trust Fund One Pager
John LaMacchia is the League’s director of state & federal affairs. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.