
Category Archives: Legislative Link Articles

December 14, 2012

Legislature Passes Medical Marihuana Law Changes

In a surprising move, the Legislature took up and passed bills to amend the voter-initiatied Medical Marihuana law late last night.HB 4834 allows the Department of Community Health to contract with a private firm to handle the processing of medical…
December 14, 2012

Village Elections to Move to November

The Legislature has sent to the Governor SB 810 and SB 811. These bills require village elections to be in November instead of September. Specifically, SB 810 would amend the Michigan Election Law to require a village regular election to…
December 14, 2012

Pawn Shop Local Pre-Emption Bill Killed

SB 713, which loosens the regulation for pawn resale shops, died in committee when session ended this week. This bill would have taken the regulation of this industry, which either unintentionally or intentionally deals in stolen property, out of the…
December 14, 2012

Massive Changes Made to Recall Law

The Legislature has sent to the Governor bills that will change the recall process. They took a package of bills and condensed them into two bills - HB 6060 and 6063.The bills will do the following:- change the maximum number…
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