
Media Contacts

As the voice of local government in Michigan, we’re always ready to talk. The League’s board of trustees, CEO and staff stand ready to provide reporters and editors with background information, access to studies and reports, on-the-record interviews and recommendations on other sources to help them complete their reporting duties. We invite and encourage you to call us anytime.

General Media Contacts

Jessica Weirauch, Director, Marketing and Communications
Ph: 734-669-6311
E-Mail: [email protected]

State & Federal Affairs

John LaMacchia, Director, State & Federal Affairs
Ph: 517-908-0303
E-mail: [email protected]

Federal Affairs
Federal affairs (grants, homeland security, telecommunications)

Policy Initiatives
Placemaking strategies


Christopher Johnson, General Counsel
Ph: 734-662-3246
E-mail: [email protected]

Litigation, Freedom of Information Act, governmental immunity, Open Meetings Act.

Municipal Finance

John LaMacchia, Director, State & Federal Affairs
Ph: 517-908-0303
E-mail: [email protected]

Municipal finance, labor, technology, personal property tax, cable, energy issues

Michigan Municipal League Foundation

Helen D. Johnson, President, Michigan Municipal League Foundation
Ph: 734-669-6336
E-mail: [email protected]

Education grants, support of League programming

Transportation, Infrastructure & Energy

John LaMacchia, Director, State & Federal Affairs
Ph: 517-908-0303
E-mail: [email protected]

Transportation, infrastructure, energy, environment, road funding, and public transit issues

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