
Category Archives: Transportation, Transit

February 11, 2013

Governor Snyder Releases Details on Transportation Funding

(Check out a Michigan Municipal League sample resolution that communities can send to lawmakers regarding road funding.) Last week Governor Snyder presented his 2014 budget recommendations. Within his budget he is calling for an increase of $1.2 billion annually in new…
February 11, 2013

New Committee Formed to Handle Transportation Funding Issues

(Check out a Michigan Municipal League sample resolution that communities can send to lawmakers regarding road funding.) Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville has created a new committee in the Senate. The Infrastucture Modernization Committee will be chaired by Senator Roger Kahn…
January 31, 2013

Save the Date

We would like to make you aware of the upcoming Transportation Asset Management Conferences. A save the date card with further information can be found here: Save the Date.pdf (705.24 kb) John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League…
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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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