The Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) is providing another update on Public Acts (PA) 325, which was enacted in 2018. Previously, TAMC provided guidance letters on September 12, 2018 and November 20, 2018 sharing information and timelines related to Transportation Asset Management Plans (TAMPs), schedules and TAMC’s efforts to provide training for these important responsibilities. While it has been almost a year since the last official TAMC communication on these efforts, the have been working diligently on many aspects of our program to provide you with the tools and training necessary to complete these reporting responsibilities successfully.
In order to define procedural steps for training purposes, communications, and for tactical guidance on TAMP submittal procedures, TAMC worked to create a response plan for PA 325 elements. This plan addressed the need to update the TAMC TAMP template, which has been in place since 2011, as well as develop technical training and enhancements for TAMP development and submittals. We are pleased to share outcomes of these efforts and how you can access the resources that are now available.
TAMP Submission Policy
The TAMC established a submission schedule for local road agencies that certify no less than 100 miles of roadways. When TAMPs begin to be submitted in 2020, TAMC Policy for the Submittal and Review of Asset Management Plans will be used to define the roles of TAMC and partner organizations in pursuit of minimum requirements of PA 325. You can find this policy, as well as all other TAMC policies in the “About Us” section of the TAMC website.
TAMP Templates
The TAMC bridge and pavement TAMPs have been modified to comply with PA 325 as well as the TAMC policy for TAMP submittals. TAMC has also developed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) as another resource relating to TAMPs. You can find these templates and related resources on the TAMC website on the “Local Asset Management” section, “Asset Management Plan Templates, Training and Resources” links in the “Support” area of the TAMC website.
TAMP Training Resources
Michigan Technological University’s Center for Technology and Training (MTU-CTT) has developed formal training webinars and workshops to assist local road agencies with creating bridge and pavement TAMPs and compliance documents. These training resources have been designed incorporating local agency data throughout the process. Training schedules can be found on the MTU-CTT website.
If you have any questions, we encourage you to bring them to the attention of any of the members of the TAMC or TAMC support staff, and they will do their best to get you an appropriate response. Their goal continues to be to develop and support excellence in managing Michigan’s transportation assets together.
John LaMacchia is the Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, energy and environment issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.