
Reminder: Pavement Warranty Program Must be Adopted by Local Road Agencies

Posted on April 23, 2019 by John LaMacchia

As part of the Transportation Funding Package of 2015, the Michigan Legislature created a requirement (MCL 247.662, 247.663) that each local road agency in Michigan adopt a Local Pavement Warranty Program acceptable to the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT).

The resulting Michigan Local Agency Pavement Warranty Program is the statewide accepted format that local agencies can use for hot mix asphalt (HMA) and plain jointed concrete paving projects on public roads and streets, if they opt to utilize a warranty on a project.

This Warranty Program must be adopted by every community no later than September 18, 2019. Every community must consider a warranty on each project utilizing any state or federal funding that also includes $2 million or more in paving-related components.  Communities must annually report on projects with $2 million or more in paving-related items, regardless of whether they implemented a warranty or not.

To help with the adoption process the League has created a webpage dedicated specifically to this issue. You will find sample resolutions to adopt and implement, as well as guidelines and special provisions specific to the local agency pavement warranty program. To access the site please click here.

We have also worked with our partners to develop an FAQ to address the most common question we being asked. Please click on the following link to access the FAQ. Local Warranty FAQ

The overall goal of the Michigan Local Pavement Warranty Program is to have one standardized method for applying pavement warranties on local agency projects, which provides a consistent, quantifiable and transparent program that pavement contractors can recognize and implement.

If you have any questions about the Local Pavement Warranty Program, please contact John LaMacchia at (517) 908-0303 or [email protected]. John is the Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, energy and environment issues.

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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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208 N. Capitol Ave.,
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