The benefits of membership with the Michigan Municipal League are endless and include access to crucial services at our member rates.
Jessica Weirauch
[email protected]
Savings, Vendor, and Additional Services
CDL Drug and Alcohol Testing Consortium
The Michigan Municipal League has established a consortium of local governments in Michigan and has contracted with First Advantage Corporation to provide CDL drug and alcohol testing services for local governments.
Classified Ads
The “Municipal Classified Ads” section at includes employment opportunities, items for sale or wanted, and occasionally, requests for proposals. Members have access to posting ads at a reduced membership rate.
Business Alliance Program (BAP)
One of the Michigan Municipal League’s primary goals—as outlined by our founders back in 1899 and still a priority today—is to educate elected and appointed officials in Michigan. Every bit of education we provide helps our cities and villages provide better, more effective, more efficient service to citizens. We strive to provide our members with up-to-date information on issues, programs, technology—and vendor products and services. The Alliance was established to encourage companies serving local government to forge a stronger partnership with the League to meet these goals.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Sharing Service
League members can use the League’s Business Alliance Program (BAP) to help get their community’s RFPs to more prospective bidders. The League’s BAP is a collection of companies that specialize in serving the municipal marketplace, and they can all be accessed through the League. We’ll help get your RFP distributed to the right companies in our BAP program offering the service you need.