May charitable organizations solicit donations in a public roadway? The Review magazine, January/February 2017
Soliciting on public streets and highways, Michigan Attorney General Opinion #7291; July 29, 2016
Michigan Anti-Begging Statute Declared Unconstitutional, The Review magazine, March/April 2014
Speet v Schuette (Ruling that struck down Michigan’s 1929 anti-begging statute for violating the First Amendment)
Sample Ordinances
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Bronson (HRC) pop. 2,349
Grandville (HRC) pop. 15,378
Kentwood (HRC) pop. 48,707
Royal Oak (HRC) pop. 57,236
Wyoming (HRC) pop. 72,125
Contact: Member Services
Phone: 734.662.3246 or E-mail: [email protected]