
Category Archives: Physical Design & Walkability

May 14, 2014

White House Honors “Walking Audit” Pioneer

Dan Burden, a notable long-time friend of the Michigan Municipal League and co-founder of the Walkable and Livable Communities Institute, has caught the attention of the powers-that-be in Washington, D.C. Tuesday, he was honored with a 2014 White House Champion…
May 7, 2014

Celebrating Jane Jacobs through Jane’s Walk

Throughout the first weekend of May, it is a time to celebrate Jane Jacobs, an inspirational leader among urban thinkers. It is celebrated through an event called Jane's Walk. These urban walks are locally led walks giving residents the opportunity…
May 1, 2014

Marquette PlacePlans – Baraga Avenue

Marquette's Baraga Avenue two-day charrette was aptly summarized by one participant as, "... a great process, synthesizing the idealistic with the pragmatic." Baraga Avenue's location as the first primary street entering Marquette's downtown and situated across from continuing well-planned and…
April 9, 2014

A Foolish Celebration – Bringing Art to the Streets

A Foolish Celebration – Bringing Art to the Streets from Michigan Municipal League on Vimeo. I got goose bumps watching giant paper mache creatures come to life, limited only by their creator's imagination. It was the 8th annual Festifools, an…
March 12, 2014

Cadillac PlacePlans Evolving

Cadillac community stakeholders were busy at work again last week creating a sense of place centered around a critical one-block area of the downtown, connecting the backs of businesses like the Clam Lake Beer Co. along Mitchell Street and the…
December 9, 2013

Cadillac PlacePlans

Cadillac is dreaming big and has so many irons in the fire it is hard to keep track. PlacePlans will help connect their place-based assets and generate even more momentum. A critical development is the Baker College student apartments that…
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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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