
Cadillac PlacePlans

Posted on December 9, 2013 by admin

Cadillac is dreaming big and has so many irons in the fire it is hard to keep track. PlacePlans will help connect their place-based assets and generate even more momentum. A critical development is the Baker College student apartments that will house over 30 students right downtown, steps from the lakefront park and pavilion, and a stone’s throw from the Clam Lake Beer Co., a fantastic downtown hotspot where everyone really does know your name. The community is also working toward establishing a trail head for the White Pine Trail downtown, which will bring bikers, snow mobile riders and outdoor enthusiasts into Cadillac. This PlacePlans project will bring conceptual design assistance and a clarified vision for a one-block downtown area to life. We will catalogue the place assets and suggest ways to strategically leverage them for maximum economic impact.

PlacePlans Visioning SessionCommunity stakeholders participated in an initial visioning session, led by MSU and attended by several partners from state agencies like the MEDC/CAT Team, DNR, MDOT, DEQ, SHPO and MSU Extension. This is the second year of the PlacePlans program, funded by MSHDA through the governor’s MiPlace initiative. Placemaking is resonating with communities large and small and the Michigan Municipal League is thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with the state and MSU in helping our members move from a vision, to a plan, and into real projects that will help create vibrant, successful places.

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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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208 N. Capitol Ave.,
1st Floor Lansing, MI 48933
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