
Statewide Coalition Announces Unified Policy and Spending Plan to Drive Michigan’s Competitiveness and Growth

Josh Hovey, Martin Waymire
C: 517-712-5829
E: [email protected]


Coalition for a Strong and Prosperous Michigan 2023-24 Priorities Roadmap Focuses on Infrastructure, Strong Communities and Improved Governance and Safety

LANSING, Mich. – The Coalition for a Strong and Prosperous Michigan (CSPM) announced today a comprehensive set of spending and policy goals that will boost the state’s economy and build strong communities where businesses and families can thrive. The coalition’s 2023-24 Michigan Policy Priorities Roadmap represents a united strategy to guide legislative decision making and drive forward Michigan’s long-term competitiveness and growth.

In 2021, CSPM created the Michigan Prosperity Roadmap as a framework to help guide the legislature’s spending of $5.8 billion in COVID-19 recovery dollars. That plan was largely adopted by state lawmakers, with $3.8 billion of the state’s American Rescue Plan Act funding allocated in alignment with CSPM recommendations.

The strategy announced today seeks to build on that success by presenting both fiscal and policy priorities centered on three key areas: Infrastructure, Thriving Communities and Improved Governance and Safety.

Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash is among several local leaders who provided input to the CSPM infrastructure recommendations, which include investing in lead service line replacement and dam safety, as well as creating a more sustainable model for road, bridge and transit funding.

“It is crucial that our leaders in Lansing invest in infrastructure that will improve our transportation network, build resilient water systems, and expand access to broadband statewide. These are kitchen table issues that impact every resident in Michigan and provide a true return on taxpayers’ investment,” said Nash.

The coalition also identified housing and community development as one of Michigan’s most significant areas of need. It is recommending policies that increase the housing supply and stabilize the existing housing stock while also investing in developing and attracting a talented workforce for the future.

“Quality housing that is attainable, along with strong communities, are the core of what anchors people to a place,” said Home Builders Association of Michigan Executive Vice President Dawn Crandall. “By adopting policies that invest in housing rehabilitation and historic preservation and remove barriers to development we can provide stability to Michigan’s most vulnerable, attract the next generation of our workforce, and cultivate the individual cultural character of our communities that makes people want to live in our state.”

The coalition’s policy priorities also recognize that local governments that provide quality services and public safety are vital to attracting and retaining people and businesses to a community. Its recommendations include actions that improve fiscal stability like creating a revenue sharing trust fund, allowing millage rates to adjust up and down based on changes in property values and inflation, and diversifying the revenue streams available to local governments. CSPM also is seeking to expand mental health services, enhance the 2-1-1 response system and increase funding for parks and greenways.

“The growth of remote work is quickly changing the dynamic of communities across the state. The legislature must empower governments and communities to operate at their full potential and invest innovatively in services that enhance the quality of life for both residents and businesses,” said Melvin Henley, policy manager for the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan.

The coalition will be educating lawmakers and the governor over the next several weeks about its policy proposals and urging them to use this year’s budget to strategically invest in the areas that will keep Michigan competitive and build strong communities.

“The legislative budget season is already under way, and our future success is inextricably linked to the decisions being made right now inside the Capitol. That’s why we are once again presenting a bold and unified plan developed by a diverse collaboration of stakeholders to intentionally and holistically meet the needs of all residents throughout Michigan.,” said Michigan Municipal League Executive Director Dan Gilmartin.


About the Coalition for a Strong and Prosperous Michigan:
The Coalition for a Strong and Prosperous Michigan represents a diverse collection of community leaders, business advocates and policy experts actively working to advance a bold vision to build our state’s future and strategically invest in our residents, entrepreneurs, businesses and communities. For mor information about the coalition, please visit

Download the 2023-24 Michigan Policy Priorities Roadmap here.

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