Matt Bach
Michigan Municipal League
C: (810) 874-1073; [email protected]
Michigan Municipal League Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Headlee Amendment
ANN ARBOR, Michigan – The following statement about today’s Michigan Supreme Court ruling regarding the 1978 Headlee Amendment to the Michigan Constitution. The statement can be attributed to Michigan Municipal League Board President William Wild, mayor of Westland.
“The Michigan Municipal League is extremely disappointed by today’s Michigan Supreme Court decision but remain committed as ever to reforming Michigan’s broken system for funding our communities. We must reform the way our state funds our communities and this includes how Proposal A and the Headlee Amendment interact.
“As we see the permanent closure of businesses and reduced occupancy for retail and commercial office space due largely to the COVID-19 pandemic, we run the risk that these unintended interactions between Proposal A and Headlee will be exacerbated again if the accompanying declines in property value due to the pandemic occur as expected. As we saw during the Great Recession, the fiscal impact to local governments is essentially permanent due to the flaws in our system. If this issue goes unaddressed, it will impede Michigan’s economic recovery and future success. If we expect to be economically competitive and grow Michigan’s population going forward, the fiscal health and ability for communities to provide high-quality services will be a key factor. We have thoughts and ideas on at on how to address the interaction between Proposal A and Headlee that can be done in a fair and balanced way; that preserve the intent of these amendments; but provide local governments with greater flexibility and resources. We look forward to working with the state Legislature and Administration to address these important issues.”
For additional information, contact the League’s Matt Bach, assistant director of strategic communications, at (810) 874-1073 (cell) and [email protected].
Michigan Municipal Leagueis dedicated to making Michigan’s communities better by thoughtfully innovating programs, energetically connecting ideas and people, actively serving members with resources and services, and passionately inspiring positive change for Michigan’s greatest centers of potential: its communities. The League advocates on behalf of its member communities in Lansing, Washington, D.C., and the courts; provides educational opportunities for elected and appointed municipal officials; and assists municipal leaders in administering services to their communities through League programs and services. Learn more at