
April 30, 2012

Transportation Conference Committee set to meet

The House and Senate have named their conferees and the first meeting of the committee tasked with hammering out a new transportation authorization before the current extension expires will meet on May 8.  The most recent extension ends June 30th. That said,…
April 26, 2012

Senate Passes EVIP/Statutory Revenue Sharing Budget Bill

Today, the Senate passed SB 954, which makes appropriations for EVIP/Statutory Revenue Sharing. The bill appropriates the same amount that the Governor proposed $210 million. It reduced the years for budget projects as part of the dashboard (category 1) to…
April 26, 2012

House holds Municipal Loan Act hearing

This morning the House Local Government committee held testimony on House Bills 5566-5570, bills that amend the Emergency Municipal Loan Act and several other statutes to relax the triggers. It would now allow communities with special assessments whose developers have…
April 26, 2012

Senate Posts Another (last?) PPT Elimination Hearing

The League's Summer Minnick and Hamtramck Mayor Karen Majewski testify about the personal property tax issue on April 18, 2012. View additional photos from the hearing and related press conference here on the League's flickr page. LANSING, Michigan - The…
April 25, 2012

Cancer presumption hearing in Senate committee

This afternono the Senate Economic Development Committee held testimony on SB 94, a bill that creates a cancer presumption for full-time, active firefighters. The League testified in opposition to the legislation on the basis that it will increase costs for…
April 24, 2012

State Cell Tower Collocation Bill Passes Senate

The Senate unanimously passed SB 1064 today, a bill regarding collocation of wireless communications equipment on an existing tower.  While the League is still philosophically opposed to the legislation, we appreciate Sen. Kowall's willingness to work with us in addressing our concerns. …
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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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