
April 24, 2012

State Cell Tower Collocation Bill Passes Senate

The Senate unanimously passed SB 1064 today, a bill regarding collocation of wireless communications equipment on an existing tower.  While the League is still philosophically opposed to the legislation, we appreciate Sen. Kowall's willingness to work with us in addressing our concerns. …
April 23, 2012

Community Foreclosure Response Toolkit Announced

The Michigan Foreclosure Task Force today launched a free, online Community Foreclosure Response Toolkit  -- a unique, user-friendly, one-stop-shop resource to allow community stakeholders like your constituents to easily find the basic information, resources, strategies and best-practice models they need to respond effectively to the ongoing…
April 23, 2012

Cell tower collocation issues subject of FCC webcast

On Tuesday, May 1st, the Federal Communications Commission, in cooperation with the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA), will host an educational workshop addressing collocations of wireless and broadband antennas on communications towers and other structures.  The workshop will…
April 19, 2012

Personal Property Tax Elimination Hearings Begin in Senate

The Senate Finance Committee began testimony 24 hours after legislation was introduced to exempt portions of the personal property tax. The bills, SBs 1065-1072 would exempt all PPT under $40,000 in taxable value immediately for commercial and industrial. And, they…
April 19, 2012

Transportation extension may break logjam

With a 90 day extension of the current transportation authorization law already in place, the House has passed a bill that would add a additional 90 days and sets the stage for a conference committee with the Senate on their own…
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