
Category Archives: Energy, Technology

June 5, 2018

Senate Committee Reports Utility Personal Property Exemption

The League, Treasury, and other local government organizations testified today in opposition to Senate Bill 1031.  As introduced, this bill would exempt all new electric, gas and water transmission and distribution system equipment from being subject to local taxation.  As…
January 31, 2018

Governor Continues Week of Policy Announcements

Following Governor Snyder's eighth and final State of the State speech last week, his team has immediately moved into announcement mode, capitalizing on the initiatives he announced during his January 23rd speech to the Legislature. A new announcement is planned…
December 22, 2017

Year-End Legislative Wrap-Up

While last week's House and Senate adjournment merely marks the mid-point of this two-year legislative session, that did not mean that the Legislature coasted into their holiday break. Highlighted by the intense activity surrounding OPEB reform, both legislative chambers pursued…
December 15, 2016

Energy Deal Reached on the Last Day of Lame Duck

Legislation making major changes to how the state regulates energy, including the construction of new power plants, how customer choice is managed and increasing the percentage of electricity that must be generated from renewable sources finally passed the House and…
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