
Action Needed: Pending Vote Today in Senate Impacting Intergovernmental Agreements

Posted on June 28, 2023 by Dave Hodgkins

The Michigan Senate is expected to vote today on legislation that would amend the Public Employment Relations Act (PERA) to delete prohibitions against certain subjects being included in a collective bargaining agreement between a public employer and a bargaining representative.

Specifically, HB 4354 removes a provision in current law regarding local government discretion as to whether the public employer will enter into an intergovernmental agreement to consolidate one more functions or services, to jointly perform one or more functions or services, or to otherwise collaborate regarding one or more functions or services.

If this is repealed, the decision to combine services with other units will become a permissive topic of bargaining subject to labor decision and potential binding arbitration if its public safety. Current law already obligates local governments to negotiate the impact with the unions on matters such as layoffs and benefit levels.

We encourage members to reach out to your Senator and express opposition to striking this language in HB 4354. To find your senator, click here.


Dave Hodgkins is a legislative associate with the League. He may be reached at [email protected].

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