Officials involved with the state’s redistricting process have asked the Michigan Municipal League to share the following message with our members. In short, they are asking to have someone speak about this process at your council and commission meetings virtually during the month of March. We know this redistricting process is of high interest to our members and the League hopes many of our member communities take advantage of this opportunity.
Here’s the ask:
The Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (MICRC) requests your assistance in promoting the new process for redistricting in Michigan. For the first time in Michigan’s history, citizens are now in charge of redistricting to ensure fair congressional districts, Michigan State Senate districts, and Michigan House districts.
In March, the MICRC would like to have one of its commissioners or staff to present at the beginning of one your meetings for two-three minutes. This presentation would be done virtually. We’re interested in ensuring you and your residents are aware of the redistricting process. Our representative attending your meeting can address any questions or concerns your communities may have about this work, the schedule the commission is following, and how your communities can help.
If you are interested in receiving a presentation, please email [email protected] and type “Redistricting Michigan” in the subject line. In sending your email, please include the date or dates you have available and the time for the presentation.
For more information about redistricting, please click here SOS – Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (