
Watch Our First Monday Morning Live Chat on Facebook

Posted on November 19, 2018 by Dene Westbrook

(Click here to watch the Facebook Live video)

MMLive logoWe covered a lot of ground in the Michigan Municipal League’s first ever – Monday Morning Live broadcast on Facebook Live.

And while the live broadcast that took place 10:30 a.m. this morning is over you can still watch it anytime on the League’s Facebook page here.

Go here to watch it.

Our first one was today and featured a chat led by the League’s Matt Bach, director of communications, with our Lansing legislative team – Chris Hackbarth, John LaMacchia and Jennifer

Our first Monday Morning Live broadcast took place this morning and featured (from left) the League's Matt Bach, John LaMacchia, Chris Hackbarth and Jennifer Rigterink. Tune in for our next one 10:30 a.m. Dec. 3 on the League's facebook page.

Our first Monday Morning Live broadcast took place this morning and featured (from left) the League’s Matt Bach, John LaMacchia, Chris Hackbarth and Jennifer Rigterink. Tune in for our next one 10:30 a.m. Dec. 3 on the League’s facebook page.


Our next two scheduled Monday Morning Live broadcasts are Monday, Dec. 3 and Monday, Dec. 17.

It’s an active time right now in Lansing with the Lame Duck period of the state Legislature getting underway now and continuing for the next few weeks.

On our first chat, we talked about the November election results, what we’re hearing may or may not come up during Lame Duck, what Proposal 1 legalizing recreational marijuana in Michigan means for our communities and what the first part of next year will be like for our Legislative team.

We also answered several questions from those watching the Live feed, including one question about breed-specific legislation. Jennifer handled that one.

1675 Green Road,
Ann Arbor MI 48105
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208 N. Capitol Ave.,
1st Floor Lansing, MI 48933
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