With the help of the Michigan Municipal League the Governor signed three pieces of legislation that improve access and local control over the use of ORVs in Michigan.
Senate Bill 50 would allow the DNR to create free ORV riding days. These would be similar to the free fishing weekends currently established by the DNR and would allow riders to use Michigan’s trail system without purchasing a license.
House Bill 4284 would establish a process for local units of government to approach MDOT with a request allowing ORV use on State Trunklines within their jurisdiction. It would also limit MDOTs ability to designate State Trunklines for ORV use for the purpose of connecting trails for access to food, fuel, or lodging, without consulting with the affected local units of government.
House Bill 4299 would expand the ability of a local unit of government to pass an ordinance allowing or preventing the use of ORVs on roadways under their jurisdiction in all 83 counties.
Through discussion with the sponsors of these bills all of the League’s requests to protect local control were met resulting in support from the League on these bills.
John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation and infrastructure issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.