The Microenterprise Network of Michigan (MNM) is a statewide association that supports entrepreneurship and microbusiness development in Michigan. Their member’s organizations provide entrepreneurial training, business technical assistance/consulting and microlending resources to diverse communities in every Michigan county.
The MNM is dedicated to leading job creation, asset building, access to capital, and economic growth through microenterprise development in Michigan. Their core goals are to (1) provide a voice for microenterprise, (2) build the capacity of practitioners and (3) improve the environment for Michigan entrepreneurs. In fulfilling these goals, we engaging in policy advocacy and awareness efforts, provide our members with training and resources and undertake projects to connect entrepreneurs and microbusinesses to opportunities and assistance.
The MNM hosts the online Resource Directory for Michigan Microbusiness, a searchable tool for entrepreneurs and business-owners seeking assistance. The Resource Directory can be searched by location, resource type, entrepreneur profile and business sector, enabling entrepreneurs to find the resources that best meet their needs. Visit to access the online Resource Directory for Michigan Microbusiness.
The online Resource Directory is a free resource that the MNM provides in order to improve the environment for Michigan entrepreneurs. We are always looking for ways to improve and expand the directory, and spread awareness. To add a new resource to the directory, simply complete this online form.
If you are interested in learning more about the MNM, or how you can get involved to support Michigan entrepreneurship, contact Claire Glenn at [email protected]. They are also happy to provide free promotional cards to share with clients, colleagues, family and friends, about the online resource directory upon request.
Nikki Brown is a legislative associate for the League handling economic development related issues. She can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0305.