
EECBG Training for Entitlement Communities

April 28, 2009

EPA Portfolio Manager as a Viable Management Tool for American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) – Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants.

Presented by Mark Clevey, director, Entreprenuership & Commercialization, Saginaw Valley State University.

PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

Handout (PDF)

Appendix D of the Funding Opportunity Announcement

Presented by Shanna Draheim, energy planning consultant.

This presentation provides a step-by-step walk through the 6 Parts of Appendix D, and provides guidance on how to develop an effective Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy.

This presentation and supplemental information can be viewed on or by e-mailing Shanna Draheim at [email protected].

EECBG Eligible Activities

PowerPoint (PDF)

EECBG Performance Metrics – Attachment C

PowerPoint (PDF)

EECBG Funding Opportunity Announcement Overview

PowerPoint (PDF)

Presented by Jeff Spencer, green communities coordinator, Bureau of Energy Systems.

Sustainable Development for Communities

Presented by Jacob Corvidae, WARM Training Center.

Handout (PDF)

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Funding Opportunities

Presented by Amy Butler, director, Bureau of Energy Systems.

PowerPoint (PDF)

National League of Cities webcast: April 14, 2009 re: EECBG

PowerPoint (PDF)

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