
The Michigan Municipal League and The Michigan Association of Mayors Support the Bipartisan Effort to Solve the Nation’s Infrastructure Needs

Matt Bach
Michigan Municipal League
C: (810) 874-1073; [email protected]


The Michigan Municipal League and The Michigan Association of Mayors Support the Bipartisan Effort to Solve the Nation’s Infrastructure Needs

We applaud the bipartisan efforts to reach a deal on a framework for investing in our country’s infrastructure. This investment would ensure access to safe roads, clean drinking water, and high-speed broadband across Michigan. It will drive economic activity, strengthen our communities, and improve quality of life for our residents. We ask that Congress act quickly to implement this framework and we are ready and willing to add our voice to the process.

Pauline Repp

Mayor of Port Huron
President, Michigan Association of Mayors

William Wild
Mayor of Westland
President, Michigan Municipal League

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