
Category Archives: Transportation, Transit

June 12, 2012

Webinar to discuss housing and transportation tool

On Thursday, June 14 from 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, the National League of Cities will be hosting a webinar to discuss a Housing and Transportation Affordability Index developed by the Center for Neighborhood Technology. The index calculates housing affordability…
June 4, 2012

Transportation negotiations begin to sour

Recent reports from the conference committee tackling a new transportation authorization is that negotiations my have hit a stand still.  Not only does the House Republican legislative agenda for the remainder of spring and summer not even mention transportation, but several House…
May 14, 2012

Transportation Conference Committee meets

The conference committee charged with crafting a new federal transportation authorization act met for the first time last week. And although the first meeting was more about ceremonial introductory statements by members of the committee, a willingness to negotiate was noted…
April 30, 2012

Transportation Conference Committee set to meet

The House and Senate have named their conferees and the first meeting of the committee tasked with hammering out a new transportation authorization before the current extension expires will meet on May 8.  The most recent extension ends June 30th. That said,…
April 19, 2012

Transportation extension may break logjam

With a 90 day extension of the current transportation authorization law already in place, the House has passed a bill that would add a additional 90 days and sets the stage for a conference committee with the Senate on their own…
April 9, 2012

Congressional recess means opportunity

Congress is on their spring recess during the next two weeks, giving local officials a perfect opportunity to speak with them of issues of importance such as transportation and the 2013 budget. As you do so, please talk to them…
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