
Category Archives: Transportation, Transit

July 29, 2012

MAP-21 Webinar and resources

On August 2nd, one of the League's partners on national transportation issues, Transportation for America, will be hosting a webinar to discuss the newly enacted federal transportation act, "MAP-21" (Moving ahead for Progress in the 21st Century). The webinar will…
July 17, 2012

League Submits Comments on the Complete Streets Draft Policy

The Michigan Municipal League has submitted a comment letter to the State Transportation Commission (STC) regarding the Draft Complete Streets Policy. The League received member feedback which was used to provide suggestions to the STC on ways to strengthen the Complete Streets…
July 16, 2012

MAP-21 resources available

For those interested in information, reports, and analysis of the new transportation authorization act known as "MAP-21" (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century), you are encouraged to visit Transportation Issues Daily, "MAP-21 Learning Center".  The site contains links to congressional summaries and…
July 2, 2012

Webinar – Transportation Infrastructure Finance

With passage of a new transportation authorization act and a increase in funds available for the federal TIFIA (Transportation Infrastructure and Innovation Act) Program, a webinar being hosted by the National Highway Institute now takes on more importance. The webinar, to be…
June 30, 2012

Congress passes new transportation act

Nearly three years since the last transportation act actually expired and some 10 extensions later, Congress has overwhelmingly passed legislation, H.R. 4348, putting in place a two year authorization through September 2014 at current spending levels. That is not to…
June 25, 2012

Muskegon and Detroit receive TIGER grant funds

Muskegon and Detroit are two of the 47projects announced by the U.S. Department of Transportation to receive funds from the department's TIGER (Transprotation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) 2012 program. In total, 47 projects in 34 states will receive $500 million.…
June 25, 2012

Transportation deal close?

Last week saw a flurry of activity in our nation's capital among leaders involved in forging a new transportation bill before June 30th when the current extension runs out. It seems that day by day those in the beltway loop…
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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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