
Category Archives: Economic Development

September 27, 2013

Crippling Rental Inspection Legislation Hearing Likely

A bill that would severely cripple local rental inspection programs could see a hearing on Wednesday, October 2 at 3:00 pm in the Senate Local Government and Elections committee.  SB 313 (Senator Dave Robertson, R-Grand Blanc) makes multiple changes to…
August 20, 2013

MEDC Announces Infrastructure Grant Program for Michigan Communities

The Michigan Economic Development Corporation has announced the Downtown Infrastructure Grant Program (DIG) aimed at helping low and moderate income Michigan non-entitlement communities to improve their downtown infrastructure quality and reduce redevelopment costs for future projects. DIG, a Community Development…
August 12, 2013

Governor Snyder announces Regional Prosperity Initiative

The Governor Snyder administration has announced a new regional initiative. Dubbed "Regional Prosperity Initiative" the effort is meant to better coordinate service delivery and strengthen local economies through greater regional collaboration. The initiative, first unveiled in the Governor's 2014 budget…
May 17, 2013

Does Your Community Host a Labor Day Bridge Walk?

The Michigan Fitness Foundation offers an opportunity for all communities to start their own Labor Day tradition by hosting a Labor Day Community Walk. Labor Day Community Walks showcase the unique parks and recreation spaces in the local community’s own…
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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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