This morning the Senate Reforms, Restructuring and Reinventing held a hearing on House Bills 5196 and 5274, bills that create new posting requirements for local units of government.
House Bill 5196 requires pubilc entities to post information regarding job classifcations of all its employees including total FTEs, annual wages and benefits for each employee in each job classification. It also requires posting of severance payment agreements, and it requires all of this information to be submitted to the Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB).
House Bill 5274 requires posting information about all contracts entered into by a public entity for $25,000 or more or the information may be submitted to DTMB. It requires the information to be updated monthly.
The League testified in opposition to this legislation as unnecessary work for government employees as well as a violation of the Headlee Amendment. Please contact your Senator and ask for a no vote on this legislation.
Samantha Harkins is the Director of State Affairs for the League and handles municipal finance and labor issues. She can be reached at 517-908-0306 or email at [email protected]