
New House Committees Announced for 101st Legislature

Posted on January 21, 2021 by Dene Westbrook

Following the official start of the new 101st legislative session last week, House Speaker Jason Wentworth announced the membership of the House policy and Appropriation subcommittees earlier today.  Committee make-up in the Senate will remain the same for this session, except for the changes needed to fill the two Senate vacancies from Macomb and Kent Counties.

In the House, the two-step committee process initiated last term, having all bills go through the former Ways & Means committee after initial committee action, has been dropped and all committees will now all be able to send bills directly to the House floor.

The Local Government & Municipal Finance committee, the Tax Policy committee, the Transportation committee, and the Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation committee  tend to be of primary interest to League members.  The Local Government (Rep. Julie Calley) and Tax Policy (Rep. Matt Hall) committees have new chairpersons this term, while the chairs of Transportation (Rep. Jack O’Malley) and Natural Resources (Rep. Gary Howell) from last term have been reappointed to manage those committees.

Now that committee membership has been announced, full legislative activity is expected to begin in the next week or so.

Chair and membership for each standing policy and appropriation subcommittee is outlined below:

Policy Committees


Chair Julie ALEXANDER (R-Hanover), Vice Chair Bryan POSTHUMUS (R-Greenville), Rep. Joseph BELLINO (R-Monroe), Rep. Daire RENDON (R-Lake City), Rep. Gary EISEN (R-St. Clair Twp.), Rep. Graham FILLER (R-DeWitt), Minority Vice Chair Alex GARZA (D-Taylor), Rep. Sara CAMBENSY (D-Marquette), Rep. Kara HOPE (D-Holt), Rep. Angela WITWER (D-Lansing) and Rep. Ranjeev PURI (D-Canton)


Chair Thomas ALBERT (R-Lowell), Vice Chair Mary WHITEFORD (R-Casco Twp.), Rep. Sue ALLOR (R-Wolverine), Rep. Tommy BRANN (R-Wyoming), Speaker Pro Tem Pamela HORNBERGER (R-Chesterfield Twp.), Rep. Scott VanSINGEL (R-Grant), Rep. Jeff YAROCH (R-Richmond), Rep. Ann BOLLIN (R-Brighton Twp.), Rep. Annette GLENN (R-Midland), Rep. Mark HUIZENGA (R-Walker), Rep. Sarah LIGHTNER (R-Springport), Rep. Matt MADDOCK (R-Milford), Rep. Bradley SLAGH (R-Zeeland), Rep. Greg VanWOERKOM (R-Norton Shores), Rep. Timothy BESON (R-Bay City), Rep. Ken BORTON (R-Gaylord), Rep. Andrew FINK (R-Hillsdale), Minority Vice Chair Joe TATE (D-Detroit), Rep. Abdullah HAMMOUD (D-Dearborn), Rep. Ronnie PETERSON (D-Ypsilanti), Rep. Terry SABO (D-Muskegon), Rep. Tyrone CARTER (D-Detroit), Rep. Rachel HOOD (D-Grand Rapids), Rep. Cynthia A. JOHNSON (D-Detroit), Rep. Felicia BRABEC (D-Ann Arbor), Rep. Amos O’NEAL (D-Saginaw), Rep. Samantha STECKLOFF (D-Farmington Hills), Rep. Shri THANEDAR (D-Detroit), and Rep. Regina WEISS (D-Oak Park)

Commerce & Tourism

Chair Steve MARINO (R-Mt. Clemens), Vice Chair John ROTH (R-Traverse City), Rep. Diana FARRINGTON (R-Utica), Rep. Rodney WAKEMAN (R-Saginaw), Rep. Pauline WENDZEL (R-Watervliet), Rep. David MARTIN (R-Davison), Minority Vice Chair Sara CAMBENSY (D-Marquette), Rep. John CHERRY (D-Flint), Rep. Mari MANOOGIAN (D-Birmingham), Rep. Karen WHITSETT (D-Detroit), and Rep. Tulio LIBERATI Jr. (D-Allen Park)

Communications & Technology

Chair Michele HOITENGA (R-Manton), Vice Chair John DAMOOSE (R-Harbor Springs), Rep. Beth GRIFFIN (R-Mattawan), Rep. Roger HAUCK (R-Union Twp.), Rep. John REILLY (R-Oakland), Rep. Douglas WOZNIAK (R-Shelby Twp.), Rep. Robert BEZOTTE (R-Howell), Minority Vice Chair Kevin COLEMAN (D-Westland), Rep. Jim HAADSMA (D-Battle Creek), Rep. Abraham AIYASH (D-Hamtramck), and Rep. Helena SCOTT (D-Detroit).


Chair Hornberger, Vice Chair Brad PAQUETTE (R-Niles), Rep. Phil GREEN (R-Millington), Rep. Jack O’MALLEY (R-Lake Ann), Rep. Gregory MARKKANEN (R-Hancock), Rep. Andrew BEELER (R-Fort Gratiot), Damoose, Posthumus, Minority Vice Chair Darrin CAMILLERI (D-Brownstown Twp.), Rep. Brenda CARTER (D-Pontiac), Rep. Matt KOLESZAR (D-Plymouth Twp.), Rep. Nate SHANNON (D-Sterling Heights), and Rep. Lori STONE (D-Warren).

Elections & Ethics

Chair Bollin, Vice Chair Wendzel,
Rep. Julie CALLEY (R-Portland), Rep. Steven JOHNSON (R-Wayland), Filler, Minority Vice Chair Koleszar, and Whitsett.


Chair Bellino, Vice Chair Markkanen, Hoitenga, Reilly, Rep. Ryan BERMAN (R-Commerce Twp.), Paquette, Rep. Andrea SCHROEDER (R-Independence Twp.), Rep. David MARTIN (R-Davison), Rep. Pat OUTMAN (R-Six Lakes), Roth, Minority Vice Chair Manoogian, Rep. Tim SNELLER (D-Burton), Cherry, Haadsma, Rep. Christine MORSE (R-Texas Twp.), Puri, and Scott.

Families, Children & Seniors

Chair Wakeman, Vice Chair Wozniak, Marino, Rendon, Rep. Mark TISDEL (R-Rochester Hills), Minority Vice Chair Rep. Laurie POHUTSKY (D-Livonia), Camilleri, B. Carter, and Aiyash.

Government Operations

Chair Mike MUELLER (R-Linden), Vice Chair VanWoerkom, Hauck, Minority Vice Chair Cherry, and Rep. Yousef RABHI (D-Ann Arbor).

Health Policy

Chair Bronna KAHLE (R-Adrian), Vice Chair Rep. Luke MEERMAN (R-Polkton Twp.), Whiteford, Alexander, Allor, Hauck, Filler, Mueller, Beeler, Fink, Roth, Tisdel, Minority Vice Chair Witwer, Rep. Cara CLEMENTE (D-Lincoln Park), Pohutsky, Stone, Whitsett, Rep. Cynthia NEELEY (D-Flint), and Morse.


Chair Rendon, Vice Chair Berman, Kahle, Rep. Beau LaFAVE (R-Iron Mountain), Rep. Matt HALL (R-Marshall), Meerman, Bezotte, Rep. TC CLEMENTS (R-Bedford Twp.), Posthumus, Tisdel, Minority Vice Chair B. Carter, Rep. Sarah ANTHONY (D-Lansing), Rep. Kyra BOLDEN (D-Southfield), Coleman, Stone, Rep. Kelly BREEN (D-Novi) and Rep. Richard STEENLAND (D-Roseville).


Chair Filler, Vice Chair Mueller, S. Johnson, Kahle, Rendon, Berman, Wozniak, Clements, Minority Vice Chair David LaGRAND (D-Grand Rapids), Rep. Tenisha YANCEY (D-Harper Woods), Bolden, Hope, and Breen.

Local Government & Municipal Finance

Chair Calley, Vice Chair Bezotte, Rep. Gary HOWELL (R-North Branch), Alexander, Bellino, Marino, Berman, Paquette, Minority Vice Chair Jim ELLISON (D-Royal Oak), Rep. William SOWERBY (D-Clinton Twp.), Garza, Rep. Padma KUPPA (D-Troy), and Rep. Mary CAVANAGH (D-Redford).

Military, Veterans, and Homeland Security

Chair LaFave, Vice Chair Beeler, Eisen, Bezotte, Martin, Minority Vice Chair Jewell JONES (D-Inkster), Coleman, Rep. Julie ROGERS (D-Kalamazoo), and Steenland.

Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation

Chair Howell, Vice Chair Markkanen, LaFave, Marino, Wakeman, Minority Vice Chair Sowerby, Cambensy, Aiyash and Rep. Steve CARRA (R-Three Rivers).


Chair S. Johnson, Vice Chair Outman, Hoitenga, Reilly, O’Malley, Wozniak, Minority Vice Chair Julie BRIXIE (D-Meridian Twp.), LaGrand, and Rep. Stephanie YOUNG (D-Detroit).

Regulatory Reform

Chair Hauck, Vice Chair Hoitenga, Bellino, Hall, Mueller, Wendzel, Clements, Damoose, Outman, Minority Vice Chair Kevin HERTEL (D-St. Clair Shores), Jones, Yancey, Garza, Witwer, and Steenland.

Rules & Competitiveness

Chair Jim LILLY (R-Park Twp.), Vice Chair Clements, Calley, Schroeder, Wendzel, Damoose, Posthumus, Minority Vice Chair Hertel, Sneller, and Kuppa.

Tax Policy

Chair Hall, Vice Chair Tisdel, Calley, Farrington, S. Johnson, Meerman, O’Malley, Beeler, Outman, Minority Vice Chair Yancey, Ellison, Brixie, Kuppa, Neeley, and Cavanaugh.


Chair O’Malley, Vice Chair Eisen, Howell, Griffin, LaFave, Berman, Carra, Roth, Minority Vice Chair Sneller, Clemente, Shannon, Liberati, and Puri.

Workforce, Trades & Talent

Chair Griffin, Vice Chair Martin, Howell, Farrington, Eisen, Markkanen, Minority Vice Chair Sabo, Hope, and O’Neal.


Appropriation Subcommittees

Agriculture & Rural Development/Natural Resources

Chair Sue ALLOR (R-Wolverine), Vice Chair Timothy BESON (R-Bay City), Rep. Jeff YAROCH (R-Richmond), Rep. Matt MADDOCK (R-Milford), Rep. Ken BORTON (R-Gaylord), Minority Vice Chair Rachel HOOD (D-Grand Rapids), and Rep. Cynthia A. JOHNSON (D-Detroit).


Chair Bradley SLAGH (R-Zeeland), Vice Chair Sarah LIGHTNER (R-Springport), Rep. Tommy BRANN (R-Wyoming), Borton, Minority Vice Chair Tyrone CARTER (D-Detroit), Rep. Terry SABO (D-Muskegon) and C. A. Johnson.

Environment, Great Lakes & Energy

Chair Annette GLENN (R-Midland), Vice Chair Scott VanSINGEL (R-Grant), Yaroch, Slagh, Minority Vice Chair Shri THANEDAR (D-Detroit), Rep. Abdullah HAMMOUD (D-Dearborn), and Rep. Regina WEISS (D-Oak Park).

General Government

Chair VanWoerkom, Bollin, Allor, Lightner, Maddock, Rep. Andrew FINK (R-Hillsdale), Minority Vice Chair Sabo, Rep. Joe TATE (D-Detroit), and Rep. Amos O’NEAL (D-Saginaw).

Health & Human Services

Chair Rep. Mary WHITEFORD (R-Casco Twp.), Vice Chair Phil GREEN (R-Millington), Allor, Bollin, Glenn, Rep. Mark HUIZENGA (R-Walker), VanWoerkom, Beson, Minority Vice Chair Hammoud, Hood, Tate, Rep. Felicia BRABEC (D-Ann Arbor) and Thanedar.

Higher Education & Community Colleges

Chair Huizenga, Vice Chair Steven JOHNSON (R-Wayland), Brann, Green, Slagh, Minority Vice Chair Brabec, and Hammoud.

Joint Capital Outlay

Chair Maddock, Vice Chair, Slagh, Whiteford, VanSingel Bollin, VanWoerkom, Minority Vice Chair O’Neal, Rep. Ronnie PETERSON (D-Ypsilanti), and Rep. Samantha STECKLOFF (D-Farmington Hills).


Chair Lightner, Vice Chair Yaroch, Green, Borton, Minority Vice Chair C. A. Johnson, T. Carter, and Brabec.

Licensing & Regulatory Affairs/Insurance & Financial Services

Chair Yaroch, Vice Chair Maddock, Beson, Fink, Minority Vice Chair Peterson, Steckloff, and Weiss.

Military & Veterans Affairs & State Police

Chair Brann, Vice Chair Fink, VanSingel, Glenn, Minority Vice Chair T. Carter, Peterson, and Tate.

School Aid & Department of Education

Chair Brad PAQUETTE (R-Niles), Vice Chair Glenn, Brann, Speaker Pro Tem Pamela HORNBERGER (R-Chesterfield Twp.), VanSingel, Huizenga, Beson, Minority Vice Chair Weiss, Hood, O’Neal, and Thanedar.


Chair VanSingel, Vice Chair Borton, Brann, Lightner, Huizenga, Minority Vice Chair Steckloff, and Sabo


Chris Hackbarth is the League’s director of state & federal affairs. He can be reached at 517-908-0304 and [email protected].

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