The Department Of Environment Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) and the Department of Transportation Budgets have been sent to the Governor for her signature. Both budget include more money for local communities.
In the EGLE budget, $120 million in one time funding was included for locals. There is $30 million for lead and copper rule implementation, $40 million for PFAS and emerging contaminates, $35 million for Drinking Water Revolving Loan fund forgiveness, $7.5 million for affordability and planning and $7.5 million for private well testing.
The MDOT budget included $400 million in additional General Fund for road and bridge repairs on top of the $468 million required under the 2015 roads plan. The specific distribution of these funds to local communities has not been released but we will be sure to make that available as soon as that information is public. The $868 million on roads is not only well over the $325 million in General Fund money required for the roads as part of the 2015 road funding package. It’s well over the $600 million that the ’15 package required by put into roads starting FY 2021 and every year after.
The Governor was not part of negotiations as she did not want the additional General Fund dollars going to roads, saying one-time spending without a long-term fix would not address the problem.The League, while supportive of additional road funding for local communities, is still committed to finding a long-term, sustainable solution in excess of $2 billion that does not rely on one-time appropriations to funds our transportation systems. We will continue to work with the Administration and leaders in the House and Senate as we move forward.
At this time it is not known if the Governor with sign the MDOT, EGLE, or any of the other budgets before the end of the fiscal year on September 30. The League will continue to monitor the budget process and provided you with updates as we gather more information.
John LaMacchia is the Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, energy and environment issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.