The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has announced the fourth annual call for projects of the Local Grade Crossing Surface Program. The Program provides 60% state funding and requires a 40% railroad match: there is no expectation of financial participation by any local road agency.
In consideration of feedback received during the first three years of the Program, the solicitation and selection process has been moved forward again, to allow greater opportunity for advance coordination with other planned highway and railroad capital projects. Guidance for the 2020 Program follows below:
- Applications will be accepted if received via e-mail or postmarked by September 27, 2019
- Applications must be submitted by road agencies, in cooperation with a participating railroad
- Applications must include detailed railroad estimates and updated vehicle traffic counts
- Eligible project costs include materials, labor and equipment: engineering costs are not eligible
- Applications will be evaluated, and projects will be selected and announced by late November
- Project selection will be in compliance with the criteria established by law
All prospective projects require proof of 40% railroad participation and documentation that relevant MMUTCD-compliant traffic control plans have been approved by the affected road agency. It should also be noted there are significant public advantages if a proposed project includes coordinated adjacent road work, as the entire crossing environment can be enhanced all at one time. Therefore, road agencies are encouraged to seek opportunities to combine adjacent roadway surface improvement projects with any pending railroad crossing applications, as this project category will receive priority consideration in the 2020 Program.
Application materials and instructions are available on-line at the MDOT Office of Rail web page, and a list of railroad contact information is attached for your reference. Please contact Kris Foondle, Local Crossing Program Manager, at 517- 335-3054 if you have any questions.
John LaMacchia is the Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, energy and environment issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.