Michigan’s Transportation Asset Management Council recently made three important announcements.
- The Transportation Asset Management Council released a memorandum for 2016 data collection of Paved Non-Federal Aid Eligible (PNFA) Roads and Streets. The memorandum can be found at the following link. Memo_TAMC Reimbursement PNFA
- TAMC has hired a new coordinator, Roger Belknap. For a copy of the press release announcing his hire click on the following link. TAMC Coordinator
- The 2016 Transportation Asset Management Spring conference will be held April 13, in Detroit. For more information please click the following link. Save the Date_2016 Asset Management Conference
If you have any additional questions about these announcement or other issues, please contact the new TMAC Coordinator, Roger Belknap, at (517) 373-2249.
John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, and energy issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.