
Senate Committee Takes Testimony on Commercial Rehabilitation Act Sunset Elimination Legislation

Posted on October 15, 2015 by Dene Westbrook

Today, the Senate Economic Development Committee heard testimony on SB 556, a bill to eliminate the sunset on the Commercial Rehabilitation Act.  This act has been used in communities across the state to assist in eradicating blight and putting properties back to productive use.

I would like to extend a thank you to Sen. Ken Horn, the bill sponsor and the chair of the committee, for taking up this issue and being an advocate for its continued use.  Thank you also to Sen. Wayne Schmidt for all of his work on this issue as well.

Additionally, thank you to the cities of Novi and Howell who were in attendance to testify.  In addition to the MML supporting the legislation, it is also supported by Michigan Townships Association, Department of Treasury, Detroit Regional Chamber, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, Bedrock Real Estate,  International Council of Shopping Centers, Building Owners and Managers Association, and the Michigan Historic Preservation Network.

Nikki Brown is a legislative associate for the League handling economic development, land use, and municipal services issues.  She can be reached at [email protected].

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