The House road funding plan that would that would rely primarily on future growth, cuts to MEDC, and the elimination of the earned income tax, to raise $1 billion for road and bridge repairs was voted out of committee today. With the exception of one bill, the 12 bill package was voted out on a party-line vote with the five Republican committee members voting yes.
The proposed package of bills has less than $50 million in new revenue. It neglects to make a much need investment in transit and jeopardizes economic development funding many of our communities benefit from. This plan also impacts the long-term certainty our communities need to plan and one of the key factors for our opposition.
The League firmly believes we must find a sustainable long-term solution to the problem that includes new revenue that is dedicated to the entire transportation system. We have offered testimony on multiple occasions explaining or dissatisfaction with this proposal. Our advocacy efforts will continue to focus on a solution that included new revenue and makes much needed investments in public transit.
It is anticipated that the full House will vote on these bills out next week.
John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, and energy issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.