
EVIP Category Two Due February 1, 2014

Posted on January 8, 2014 by sharkins

Category two to qualify for funding under the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) is due on February 1, 2014. Category two is consolidation of services.

To qualify for category two a local unit of government must certify to the Department of Treasury that they have produced a consolidation plan.

First time filers must submit a list of any previous service cooperation, collaboration, consolidation, innovation and/or privatization and include an estimated cost savings amount.  A first time filer must also include one or more new proposals and include an estimated savings amount and estimated timeline.

Previous filers must include an update on the status of previous years’ proposals including its implementation, barriers experienced and an estimated timeline of completion.  A previous filer must also include one or more new proposals to increase cooperation, collaboration, consolidation, innovation or privatization.

If you have any questions please contact the League or Treasury directly at [email protected]

Samantha Harkins is the Director of State Affairs for the Michigan Municipal League.  She can be reached at 517-908-0306 or email at [email protected]

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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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