
League Issues Successfully Addressed in ORV Legislation

Posted on May 14, 2013 by Dene Westbrook

The Michigan Municipal League has been working with Representative Bumstead on House Bill 4299 to improve local control over ORVs being used within municipalities. As a result of this work, and the willingness of Representative Bumstead to address the League’s concerns, significant changes were made to this legislation to improve local control. A County or a Township must now provide written notice to each municipality within the County in advance of adopting a resolution that allows or prohibits ORV use on their roadways. Local municipalities will now be allowed to both open and close roads located within their municipality to the use of ORVs through the adoption of an ordinance.

As a result of these changes the League officially supported this legislation in committee and looks forward to helping secure final passage. A copy of the legislation that was passed out of House Tourism Committee can be found here. (ORVs)

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate with the League handling transportation issues.He can be reached at or 517-908-0303.

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