
Part of PPT package passes House in stripped down versions

Posted on December 7, 2012 by Dene Westbrook

Last night the House passed part of the personal property tax package, House Bills 6022, 6024-6026. These bills reflect the PPT reimbursement mechanism identified by the Lt. Governor.

The bills were stripped down to their introduced versions and passed in order to satisfy the constitutional five day rule for legislation. For example all House bills that had not yet passed the House had to pass yesterday in order for the Senate to take them up next week, a least five days after their passage. Next week is intended to be the last week of session.

The House did not pass Senate Bills 1065-1072, the bills that passed the Senate earlier this year. Those bills are the actual PPT repealer bills.

The League is still in active negotiations on PPT; however, until there is any progress we are continuing to push for FULL AND GUARANTEED REPLACEMENT. That does not exist in any of the bills currently before us.

PLEASE KEEP UP THE PRESSURE ON YOUR LEGISLATORS! Without full, guaranteed replacement the House should NOT pass SBs 1065-1072 next week.

Samantha Harkins is the Director of State Affairs for the League and handles municipal finance and labor issues. She can be reached at 517-908-0306 and at [email protected].

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