
House committee considers limiting public colocation

Posted on May 8, 2012 by aweinfeld

This morning the House Energy & Technology Committee heard testimony on HB 5342, a bill that would inhibit local colocation on State Police communication towers.

The latest substitute before the committee was the (H-4) version available here: HB 5342_h4.pdf (18.36 kb)

This legislation seeks to open State Police communication towers to colocation for broadband expansion. As introduced the tower was accessible to both public and private entities.

The (H-4) substitute limits the accessibility of public entities to only non-commercial and business purposes. A public entity can colocate for a commercial or business purpose after a three year window, but only in an underserved area. The bill attached above defines both “commercial and business purpose” and “underserved”.

The League testified in opposition to the legislation stating that it is not true broadband expansion unless there is access for every entity. The chair indicated that he would like to work on the legislation for another week before voting.

Samantha Harkins works for the Michigan Municipal League handling municipal services and energy and technology issues.  She can be reached at 517-908-0306 or email at [email protected]

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