Consumers for Fair and Affordable Insurance Reform
A diverse group of Michigan-based health organizations, businesses, unions, consumers and others who support individual health insurance reform in Michigan. Consumers for Fair and Affordable Insurance Reform believes health care coverage should be fair and affordable for everyone.
Get Michigan Moving (GMM)
Aimed at expanding public transit efforts in Michigan, Get Michigan Moving (GM-2)—a partnership among local governments, business and transit riders—generates public policy and education efforts to promote transit jobs and economic development.
Michigan Council of Local Governments (MCOLG)
Michigan associations representing local-level governmental units established the Michigan Council of Local Governments (MCOLG) to identify opportunities for collaboration and to leverage the strength of each organization’s advocacy efforts.
Michigan Fiscal Responsibility Project (MFRP)
The Michigan Fiscal Responsibility Project (MFRP) and the MichiganTaxTruth website provide citizens, policymakers, elected officials and the media with accurate information about state government taxes and spending in Michigan.
Michigan Transportation Team (MTT)
Fully supporting the Drive MI Campaign, the Michigan Transportation Team (MTT) is a partnership of businesses, associations and citizens linked with the common goal of improving Michigan’s transportation infrastructure.