Michigan Prosperity Agenda: Engaging citizens is vital to creating prosperous communities

Michigan Prosperity Agenda: Engaging citizens is vital to creating prosperous communities

Program Explores How to Make a Better Michigan


The Michigan Prosperity Agenda is a monthly radio show that challenges listeners to help make Michigan a better place to live, work and play by creating vibrant and prosperous local communities. It has aired on News/Talk 760 WJR at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month since 2010.

The hour-long radio program is hosted by Dan Gilmartin, CEO of the Michigan Municipal League (the League). The show is sponsored by the League and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA). The show’s topics focus on the concept of placemaking. To learn more about placemaking visit Dan’s blog: The Economics of Place, the state’snew placemaking resources website, Miplace.org and check out our book, The Economics of Place: The Value of Building Communities Around People, available on Amazon.com.

THIS MONTH’S SHOW airs at 7 p.m. May 22 on News/Talk 760 WJR, and you can also listen now by clicking the links below. Experts discuss engaging citizens in community projects and how this can move communities toward prosperity. Read more about the League’s plan for Michigan cities here>

View past radio shows here.

Listen to the full show: (37:51)


Dan Gilmartin

Dan Gilmartin, executive director and CEO of the Michigan Municipal League.

– Dan sets up the show and explains why civic engagement is so necessary: (1:01)

Nancy Kaffer, Co-host

Nancy Kaffer is a columnist for the Detroit Free Press covering politics and the city of Detroit. She discusses community engages and its role in the city’s future growth and economic vitality. She also talks about her experience with community engagement and the positive impact it can have on a project.

– Nancy Kaffer discusses why more people in general public should attend council meetings because often the views shared by a loud minority are not representative of the whole community. (6:44)


Dr. Katherine Loflin

Dr. Katherine Loflin is a recognized and global thought-leader on the emerging role of place in our lives earning her the moniker of “The City Doctor.” She discusses why place matters and how an engaged citizenry is critical to place making efforts.

– Loflin explains how civic engagement is vital to the placemaking concept and creating the types of places where people want to live, work and play. (9:44)


Robert Hillard and Kali Frankhauser

Allegan City Manager Robert Hillard and Allegan Resident Kali Frankhauser discuss their roles in the Allegan Downtown Riverfront Plan. Allegan was one of only five communities to receive a Place Plan Technical Assistance Grant from the Michigan State Housing and Development Authority to create a community design around the riverfront. Hundreds of people attended community planning meetings and participated in this project.

– Hillard and Frankauser talk about the recent community engagement meetings held in their community and the positive result of hearing from well over 100 residents.(10:41)


Deb Williamson and Craig Peterson

Deb Williamson, program director from the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion, and Craig Peterson, Communications Director for the Church of the Messiah Detroit, talk about their work on the Riverfront East Congregational Initiative project. This project is a collaboration of 17 faith based communities working to support their community and business assets.

– Peterson and Williamson discuss the program that has Detroit east side pastors promoting community-friendly businesses during their Sunday services.. (10:00)


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Dec. 26, 2012: Placemaking in Michigan – A Year in Review

Nov. 26, 2012: What is Placemaking and What is MSHDA’s Role in It?

Oct. 24, 2012: Embracing Green Technology in Neighborhood Revitalization

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August 22, 2012: The MIplace Partnership Initiative Improving Cities and Neighborhoods

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March 28, 2012: Vibrant Michigan Downtowns Good for Business

Feb. 18, 2012: Making Our State More Sustainable

Jan. 25, 2012: The Benefits of Federal Funding for Neighborhood Stabilization

Dec. 29, 2011: The Year in Review

Nov. 27, 2011: Transportation in the State and the Role it Plays in Michigan’s Future Economic Prosperity

Oct. 26, 2011: League’s Recently Released Book Emphasizes Quality of Place to Michigan’s Economic Prosperity

Sept. 26, 2011: How will Michigan’s foreclosure crisis impact the state’s future prosperity

August 24, 2011: League Releasing Book Emphasizing Quality of Place

July 27, 2011: What’s Happening in Detroit and Other Communities to Make Michigan Better

June 22, 2011: What’s Happening in Detroit and Other Communities to Make Michigan Better

May 25, 2011: Why Transit Matter’s to Michigan’s Future Prosperity

April 27, 2011: Why Place Matters to Michigan’s Future Prosperity

Mar. 23, 2011: Gov. Rick Snyder’s Proposed Budget and What it Means for Michigan

Feb. 23, 2011: Gov. Rick Snyder’s Proposed Budget and the Potential Impact on Michigan Cities

Jan 26, 2011: Civic Engagement and Getting People Involved in the Community

Dec 23, 2010: Why Higher Education is Among Main Pillars for Building Michigan’s Future

Nov 24, 2010: New Leadership and the Impact on Jobs, Education and Quality of Life

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Apr 28, 2010: The New Urban Neighborhood

Mar 24, 2010: Arts, Entertainment and Culture

Feb 24, 2010: Talking Transit

Jan 27, 2010: Making a Better Michigan

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