Upcoming Workshops/Training

Will you be attending MML’s Annual Convention 2022: Turn the Page? We will be hosting several Serve MI City workshops and breakout sessions related to maximizing opportunities and impacts of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

The sessions below are only a handful of the excellent content available for community leaders.

October 19, 2022

1:00 to 4:00 pm

This workshop will focus on helping communities think about using ARP and IIJA funding to invest in infrastructure that improves community well-being. Infrastructure investments are often thought about in more traditional ways – such as roads that need repaving or sidewalk repairs, etc. These are important projects, but using community well-being as a lens for identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing infrastructure investments can help communities think about how and where to invest in new ways. The workshop will introduce key concepts of a wellbeing orientation, explore the connection of wellbeing and procurement (with specific attention to ARPA funds), and provide tools for utilizing this approach.


Katya Smyth, CEO, Full Frame Initiative

Madge Haynes, Senior Manager of Engagement and Partnerships, Full Frame Initiative

October 20, 2022

9:00 to 10:30 am

This session will empower you to utilize data to understand and prioritize potential investments in your community. Historic federal funding is becoming available from ARP and IIJA resources, and you are likely feeling pressure to use these funds to their greatest potential. Staff from the Johnson Center at Grand Valley State University and Data Driven Detroit will share some of the key lessons they’ve learned over decades of working with data so that you can make sure you’re gathering and analyzing data as efficiently, effectively, and inclusively as possible to drive better outcomes and decisions for your communities.


Noah Urban, Co-Executive Director, Data Driven Detroit

Jeff Williams, Director, Community Data and Research Lab, Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy

October 19, 2022

3:45 to 5:00 pm

There are billions of dollars available to communities through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) but navigating the application and management process can be daunting, especially for smaller and mid-sized communities. Local leaders need tangible tools for tracking opportunities, applying for grants, and managing state and federal awards. This session will provide practical advice on how communities can prepare themselves for funding, what makes successful/competitive applications, and how to approach partnerships with other communities or the state.


Rachael Maddock-Hughes, Principal and Founder, Sequoia consulting

Sherry Deleon, Sequoia Consulting