
Tag Archives: engagement

November 11, 2016

Creating Vassar’s Vision

Creating Vassar's Vision from Michigan Municipal League on Vimeo. Vassar is a unique place. The small city, with a population less than 2,700 people, had six new businesses open in just over a year. The one-block downtown now offers a…
October 3, 2016

Online Engagement Tools and Strategies

At this year's Convention, we invited Scott TenBrink from the University of Michigan's School of Information's Citizen Interaction Design program to speak about engagement, and specifically online or app-based engagement tools. The CID team has spent the past few years…
February 9, 2016

Lessons from Allegan’s Pop-up Retail

A formerly vacant downtown storefront is full of activity during PlacePOP in Allegan. Read the full report here. Pop-up retail is a fun and creative way to activate and promote underutilized storefronts. In December 2015, we had the opportunity to…
August 5, 2015

New League Service Brings POPs of Activity Across Michigan

We're really excited to announce PlacePOP, our new placemaking & engagement consulting service. PlacePOP is a low-cost, high-impact approach to inclusive planning that communities can use to test ideas, engage residents, and strengthen support for place-based projects. PlacePOP in action…
January 7, 2015

Placemaking Happy Hour & Panel Discussion

Placemaker and CEO of Adelaide, Australia Peter Smith is coming to Michigan to speak at the Michigan Local Government Managers Association Winter Institute at the end of the month. Because he's traveling so far, we figured we better take advantage…
June 13, 2014

Congress for New Urbanism

Last week I attended Congress for New Urbanism's conference in Buffalo, NY and had a wonderful time learning about ideas, projects, and research on new urbanism and placemaking. Here are a few highlights from my favorite presentations: Jeff Speck: New…
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